About Us

Welcome to the website of the 3D Heritage Documentation group! This research group is part of the TRIO (Remote Sensing, Radiometry and Optical Imagery) team of the ICube Laboratory (UMR 7357), gathering together researchers from the University of Strasbourg, CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research), ENGEES, and INSA Strasbourg.

Our group’s research is focused on the development of tools for measuring, understanding, representing and managing archaeological, architectural and cultural heritage objects using geomatic techniques (photogrammetry, laser scanning and geographic information systems). The theme 3D Heritage Documentation is broken down into three main activities:

  • Measurements and models based on optical 3D sensors for archaeological and architectural purposes;
  • The restitution and 3D modeling of topographical and cultural heritage objects, with particular emphasis on various methods and tools for 3D representation;
  • The management of geospatial data for cultural heritage at different scales.